• 2 Dan in Karate, Black Belt
  • Estonian quadruple karate champion
  • Baltic countries triple karate champion


Andres first became acquainted with karate very early, at three and a half years of age, when his father brought him to his first training session. Since then, this athlete’s entire life has been intrinsically linked to the martial arts.

From the age of ten Andres has participated in international competitions and tournaments, became a prize-winner and a winner in individual and group competitions. And already from the age of 18 he began to train his first group of students and borrowed the teaching experience of the best coaches and masters. Today, Andres primarily trains children, teaching young athletes the art of Jyoshinmon Karate. The average age of Andres’ students is 9-10, although many parents bring even younger children.

“I gained so much thanks to karate, and now I want to transfer my vast knowledge and skills to others. I really enjoy watching the progress of my students. I see the entire path to success and help them achieve the best results. ”


By engaging in karate, children become more confident and stronger, learn to overcome obstacles and fight their fears. My students get to develop fully on all levels: emotional, physical and psychological.

Karate teaches discipline. I see how children begin to treat their elders more respectfully. Moreover, I believe that karate is an excellent base for further combative sports, because it is such a unique combination of various sports disciplines. In addition, karate helps them to stay strong, powerful and healthy throughout life. And success in competitions is a very good motivation for any athlete.

My goal is to help children on their path to development, to guide them and instruct them. Any athlete must trust the coach and listen to their recommendations, as well as persevering and working hard – and they will achieve great success. I myself went through all this, when I was a student, and now I want to do my best to convey my experience to others.

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